Monday, November 17, 2008

yellow wallpaper

Gilman had a great sense of symbolism in this text. there were a lot of things that were told prior to the point in which you understood. Her insanity, and the fact that the character has been known for being mentally ill establishes or justifies her creditability. her husband played a major part in this story, that just like the wallpaper he was her nails. It was very seldom that he allowed her to do any thing. I believe that refers back to the "Cult to true womanhood". this wall paper that's significance was not just a woman paranoid, but a woman that has been trying to brake free. As i read this story I often wondered if she was actually mentally ill, or was she just touched. not by the wall paper, but the woman trapped with in the stained walls? Not as if she was possessed but as if she could relate too much to the woman within the walls as if she was the woman in the walls. Everyone said that she was sick. however it was funny how once she realized that the wallpaper was more then what they appeared she seemed better. As days past she said that there felt as if eyes were on her watching her, and that some of the simplist furnitures became her friends. then as days went by she realized that she tended to do the same thing over and over again. just as the wall paper, a repeated pattern that seemed to never end. Every thought that she was sick i dont believe she was, i believe that she was just a woman not sure of her self or surroundings yet. then, as time goes by she realizes that she needs to brake free from this pattern and do more than what what suspected of her. that's why i believe that she strip the walls bare on the last day at the place. To not only let the woman who she saw free, but to gain strength, sanity, and individuality for her self.

What upsets me about this woman is the fact that she listened to everyone. there were times where her husband was gone and i believe that she would of been better off if she tried her best to leave that room regardless of what anyone says. Also there was a part in the story where the housekeeper found her letters, what happened to them? Did her husband ever find out? her husband was a doctor, was he the one that diagnosed her, was she even sick? fortunately she got better as the woman was revealed in the wallpaper. but out of any type of house material why wall paper? Is the woman free? Is she free? why did her husband faint at the end was he the one who was actually sick? Or was it the fact that he was like the wall paper holding back his wife, and as the paper was torn so was he...

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