Wednesday, February 18, 2009

the dealth penalty

The death penalty, is usually issued to those who have killed. Some think that the punishment is hypocritical, but isn’t this whole nation based as a hypocrisy? What ever happened to “Every man should be created equal”? however, if everyman should be created equal then they should be killed just the same. The bible says “thou shall not kill” but the Qur’an states the thou can not kill an unarmed man. Wasn’t this man once armed? Though to some my logic's seems unreasonable, but the dead can’t fight for them selves. What ever happened to Hammurabi’s code , and “an eye for an eye” because this criminal does deserve a punishment. Some say that “two wrongs don’t make a right” but it does make things even.
To some, I might seem close minded and some what selfish about the situation at hand, but so was the criminal when they decided to take the life of another civilian. No one sees death coming, but some one or thing needs to punish this man/woman who tries to act as if their God by taking the lives of others. People can't choose when the lives of others can be ended. however if the person who committed the crime feels as if they can, then they shall die as well.
my farther has been shot eleven time and the person that shot him is still not incarcerated, even though my farther didn't die, does he still deserve to be punished. Yes, and if the person has the nerve to inflict pain on some one then they are no greater than the victim. as a christian i know that forgiving is the right thing to do, so it sparing a life. but did they do the right thing? no i am not saying that the world should be corrupt, however if my belief was a law there will be less crime, well at least murder. i also agree with the Qur'an that you shouldn't kill an unarmed man, due to the simple fact that the outcome of who was suppose to die might change and the victim has an equal opportunity.

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