This picture relates to my text by showing the differences between the Indians and the Europeans. This also creates a vivid image on how the Europeans just came to there lands and had there hands out. there customs were different and there different people in general, so i don't think that they took there landing on there land so welcoming as these history books say that they do. honestly I believe that there was more to be said than what being told. Notice how the Native Americans are bunched in a circle talking. Are they packed together because of fear, or do Christopher Columbus and their people go "way back"?No i don't think so...
If Christopher Columbus goal initially was to look for were, land, food and gold. Regardless of where who's going to let some one just take things from there land if they don't have to? If some one i don't know just walked in my house i don't think would be so happy, unless they had a gun to my head. why didn't they put up a fight? Or did they? How come when i look for books about the Native Americans it's slim to none to find out what they had to say towards "American" findings. Something had to be said, so who would know more than the person who was actually there Christopher Columbus...
To conclude, the Native Americans were so technically challenge. As showed in the picture, they didn't even where clothes. How were they going to protect them selves?If they didn't "Go with the flow" they were bound to get killed. Isn't it ironic that they just let them on there land. Maybe if they said something it would be no history on the Native Americans. I still believe that there's so much to say but the truth has not been revealed.
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