Monday, October 13, 2008

1) Lincoln some how failed to mention the people that created the nation. for instance, scholars ,leaders for the military, and presidents. He should have given them more acknowledgement. he also didn't mention what the civil war was actually fighting for, to free slaves.

2) The sentence was put into the Gettysburg Address to explain to us how we must not forget those who created this country. He also helps us recognized that slaves have some thing to do with it, and how can the Declaration of indecence say all men are created equal, when some are not free.We are a free country but Lincoln questions how we can be a free country when we have slaves. Lincoln's last sentence gives America a wake up call.

3) In the Declaration of Independence they talk about how all men are free. In the Gettysburg Address Lincoln is explaining how the declaration is not living to what it says to 100 percent. He needed to remind the people of America why the Declaration of Independence was created. if all men are created equal then why are there human beings not even considered equivalent to an average white man?

4) Even though this was written on a train on the back of a envelope, i believe that Lincoln could of been more specific. but i understand why he didn't, he did it because there were still some other people (besides slaves) that were not being treated equally.

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