Monday, October 20, 2008

life of a slave girl& Frederick douglass

These two writers have very different points of view. however, i believe its due to the pathos, and audience. In life of Frederick Douglass an American slave, Frederick Douglass is a feed slave, that has the opportunity to speak at the convention. consider the era which was 1845 and how significant his speeches are. His writing has a great credibility-who better to tell a story about you, than you. Not only that, but the anti-slavery office published his narritive. I believe that Douglass has a very small audience. however i believe that there were some whites that were still racist. some might not care what a "nigger" has to say, or some might wonder why is this man so important for him to present speeches, let along be set free! the Slaves would be a very large audience, if educated.
As for the incidents in the life of a slave girl, she really doesn't have an audience. Its not that she doesn't want one, but she can't have one. Douglass was on the out side screaming in, but Harriet is on the inside looking around. i say that because, since Douglass understands just how it feels to be a slave, he tries really hard to make a difference so that the people on the inside can hear about him. However since Harriet was and is still a slave, she can't talk about nothing but her life as a slave. I believe that her audience is a diary of some sort, because slaves weren't allowed to read or write.
Jacob's establishes pathos because, she actually is a slave. Everything that she's going through she's telling about it. What else can she write she hasn't seen what the outside looks like. all she can do is dream, but as a slave you really don't have enough time to dream. Douglass establishes his creditablity by also being the first of the very few men to be set free, or do anything as an actuall African American.

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