Thursday, October 16, 2008

I believe that The slave's dream is about a slave who was sleeping and he dreams about his life proir of being captured. During this dream, the the life of the slave was free, running from becomming slave. As he slept, the slave deamed about his life in the past as a notorious king, with his children and loving wife. longfellow's audience is what i believe to his wife children, and the other slaves who never had a chance of being free. telling them of the happy thoughts this man had in the course of his peaceful death. The tone of the poem seems as if its sympathetic due to the fact that it seemed as though the author was the character. the relationship seems as if they are one, and that the authors emotion seem to conect to well dur to the word choice.
The author also uses tons of figurative language. the authours imagery is paints a mental picture for us readers to follow. Henry uses a lot of these types of imagery when he described the slave's flight to this haven. "At night he heard the lion roar, and the hyena scream, and it passed like a glorious roll of drums". then he used metaphors like "…his lifeless body lay a worn-out fetter…". Personification in "…death illumined the land of sleep. The forests, with their myriad tongues shouted of liberty…". then finnally longfellow closes this poem with symbolism. Longfellow uses a worn out fetter to represent the unity of life, it also symbolized a whole life effection that slavery had on his life.

In this poem, the author appeals to the emotions of the reader. The author uses denotative language like kissed, held, tear, burst so that the reader can relate to the intamacy of the poem. . The author makes us touch his words with his use of literal imagery. In doing so he creates the tone, and his words appeal to our sences so that we understand every part of the peom. The theme of the poem is that one always has a hevan waiting for them. This was a reoccurring theme throughout the poem. At the begging the author starts the poem with the character asleep, dreaming about his family and feeling happy; letting go of all inhibitions. At this moment the slave was free. Free of slavery, free of pain and free from loneliness. While the character was asleep he was pulled in a flight to a permanent haven, a flight drifting away finding permanent freedom. so his dream came true

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